ILAY (Iceman) Greta vom Hungrigen Wolf PDF Print E-mail

Stud dog





DBC (German bouvier club): breeding permission from November 13th, 2009
Date of birth
: April 30th, 2007
Height/ Hip test: 64,5 cm/ B
Behavior test: A-grade
Exams: endurance test
Character: Ilay (hebr., one of David‘s friends; 1st Chronicles2,26-29). He’s called “Iceman” because he has always been so easygoing and cool even as a young puppy. He neither bit cables nor did he nibble door frames…Meanwhile he has grown into a proud male dog, stable, attentive, showing many positive traits and a strong relationship to his owners. He usually is tender and patient with children. Since his early days he has been developing a strong healthy social attitude that makes him react confident and sovereign in any situation of city life. At home he is a well-balanced, cheerful family dog that entertains his people with a certain “sense of humor”. Outdoors he looks hilarious and rather curious. The element of water put a spell on him, impossible to pass a lake/sea without going for a swimming turn. He also enjoys running at the bike, his energy lasting for far more than 20km. Walking on or off leash Iceman keeps concentrating on his handler.
Type: Dark oval eyes, strong scissors bit, excellent male head, correctly placed ears, excellent top/back line, proportions, angles, paws and tail; excellent fur coat (brindled), solid front and breast line, pleasant shoulder parts, fluent parallel moves, observant, very friendly and juvenile appearance.